Thursday, June 24, 2010

In which I get ready to move, and other adventures

I have sadly been neglecting my blog lately.  There is way to much going on in my life right now.

Let's start with the fact that we're moving. 


I'm very sick of moving.  I'm also very sick of apartment living.  I'm very sick of my neighbors, who are mostly obnoxious.  (To be fair, there are probably nice neighbors, but it's the obnoxious ones that I see, hear and have to pick up after.)  So we're moving across the street, to a townhouse.  It's an end-unit, 3 BR with only one common wall.  We'll have our own entrance, our own garage, our own laundry facility, and it's all one story.  I'm very excited!!

But it is a lot of work, even though I tell people it's all downhill--from the second floor, across the street, to a single story.  July 10th is the big day.  Wish us luck!

I've had to pack away the carder for the move, but not before I completed the carding of a gorgeous blend for the Rosalind shawl pattern by one of my favorite designers, Sivia Harding.  The blend is 65% white Polwarth wool, 16% bleached tussah silk, 16% fawn cashmere, and the rest white firestar.  It is so soft!!  Here is the first bobbin spun up:

Yes, it IS as yummy as it looks.  I'm going to 2-ply it into about a fingering weight yarn.  I have about 14 oz total, in 8 batts to spin.  This is my Tour de Fleece project.  The Tour de Fleece starts on July 3rd, which is the date of my father's 80th birthday party, so I probably won't get much done that day.  Plus it's a week before we move, so not much spinning will get done the first week of the Tour.  Luckily, 14 oz won't take too long to spin.

More to come, maybe from our new location!