Friday, January 21, 2011

I Make Some Progress on My Goals...

Okay, so not much really.  I've spun and swatched three variations of the Shetland fiber for the October Frost cardigan I want to make. 

I settled on the right swatch as the yarn I want for this sweater.  To get this yarn, I need to recard all the fiber, separating the two colors and putting them through my carder in layers.  It's a good thing--there is a lot of VM (vegetable matter) in this roving, and the carding is giving me a chance to pick out a lot of it.  It also makes this dreamy to spin.  However, I'm only getting about 1.5 oz. on the carder for each batt, so it will take awhile to card 2+ lbs of this fiber.  I've made the mistake of not spinning enough for a project in the past, and I can never quite capture the gauge again, so I am going to make sure I have it all done before beginning to knit. 

Hopefully I can get the carding done this weekend, and begin to spin. 

In the meantime, GO PACKERS!!

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