Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's been awhile...

Sorry that I have neglected my blog for the last couple of weeks.  And I don't have much to say right now.

I never mentioned the lovely Shetland fleece I got on March 21st at Gail's shearing day.   This the the fleece from November, an older ewe who has a lovely, but uneven, oatmeal-colored fleece.  It totalled 4 lbs raw, and I have it all washed right now, but I have not yet weighed it.  I have picked some of it, and put about 4 oz through my carder, and it is nice.  The fibers in some of the fleece are much coarser than I expected from Shetland, but they are still quite soft.  I'm sending the fiber through the carder twice, in preparation for dyeing and blending.  It needs one more pass through the carder to be really nice to spin.

Anyway, I need to really sit down, sort and grade the fleece, but I haven't had time.

I've still got the two Corrie fleeces to wash--I've done some of the white (Cindy Lou) but haven't touched the grey yet, except to fondle, rub the lanolin and breathe the sheepy smell.  I know, I'm weird.

Spring has sprung here--the grass is coming up, the sun is shining and the thermometer topped 70 for the first time in 6 months.  How wonderful!  I'm starting to think about camping again.

No camping trips planned yet, but I'd like to visit South Dakota, and the North Shore of Lake Superior.  We'll also do a group dyeing, knitting, spinning camping weekend.  Need to start getting some dates down.

Here's a picture of my home on wheels--love her!

1 comment:

  1. Jealous of your camper! The mister and I tent camp, and while it's great most of the time, pouring rain, bad winds, and cold weather make me long for a camper.
